I just watched Little Women and the movie reminded me of what the rights of women used to be. When women could not have an inheritance, how they did not have a right to their own children or to any property or how they could not get a divorce no matter how badly they were being treated in their marriage.  

I am very proud of how far we’ve come.  With everything that we are able to do now, I still wonder how many women can say that they are living out their own dreams?  Even now despite all the opportunities afforded to us, a lot of women are not happy with themselves and leading self destructive lives. I’m not just talking about things like drugs and bad relationships because complacency and ignorance is toxic too.  Out of 10 women, how many do you think truly love who they are? I would say probably 3/10.

I feel that our true duty is figuring out why we were put on this earth and then executing our purpose the same way that we execute our family and career obligations. We as women all benefit from the hard work and sacrifices women before us made and I’m not just speaking about our ancestors.  Imagine there were no women’s march or revolution to turn laws in our favour.  So many women fought for our right to live our lives on our own terms and we repay that freedom with bad relationships, self loathing and treating other women poorly.  I’m hoping that this low level of consciousness will start to shift sooner than later.  Where women will start to embrace and love themselves for exactly who they are and will not be threatened by another woman’s success or accomplishments. That we no longer look at each other as the competition but rather as sisters. There is so much beauty and healing in the unity among women that we miss out on because of our own insecurities. We are the prize, and we should be treating ourselves and  each other as such.